Galathil – EN

Galathil – EN

Galathil (2023) T-shirt design created for the SunLoft 47 team on the occasion of a multi-week river expedition to the various islands of the Grenadines archipelago. Project type:...
Forced Disclosure – EN

Forced Disclosure – EN

Forced Disclosure (2018) Forced Disclosure is a t-shirt created for my DNSEP (National Higher Diploma of Plastic Expression) at the Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Besançon (France). 
This project gives a physical dimension to the Dark Pattern of the same name (a...
Workshop School

Workshop School

Workshop School (2018) Creation of a mural at the Fertet primary school in the Velotte neighborhood of Besançon (France) with children aged 6 to 11 years old. The work done with the children aimed to represent the four seasons while exploring new approaches and...


DNAP (2016) Scenography for my Diplôme National d’Arts Plastique (DNAP) at the Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Besançon (France).
 Work and research on the place of logos in the urban environment. Project type:...
Apocalypsis – EN

Apocalypsis – EN

Apocalypsis (2018) Scenography of my National Higher Diploma of Plastic Expression (DNSEP) at the ISBA in Besançon (France). At first glance, one might think that the title suggests “Apocalypse.” However, in reality, it translates to...