We all keep precise memories of our childhood. This wreck is one for me. Throughout my childhood, I rubbed shoulders with this rusty old 205 carcass, anchored in the urban landscape since forever. The mention of this structure arose during a discussion with the creator of the MTBK Clothing brand. We were in search of a new design for an upcoming collection, a design that would reflect our regional identity.
This thing has been there forever, and we don’t even know what it is! But it’s ingrained in our memories, it’s been there since I was a little kid!
It was at that precise moment that this illustration was born. This poster thus pays tribute to this work conceived and realized by the artist Belfortain Canal on the occasion of Art and Automobile in 1987. Beauté Sacrée is a work that depicts materialistic society, a message that resonates deeply in my personal graphic reflections.
Format: A1, 59.4 x 84.1 cm
Project type: freelance
Client: MTBK Clothing