Future, Utopia (2016)

Poster created for the 2016 Virtual Biennale Prague. The 9th international exhibition of artists’ posters brought together 378 artists from 31 countries. The exhibition presents works in two categories: professionals and art school students. The entire project is organized by the Association of Applied Graphics, the Graphic Design Studio of the Faculty of Arts and Design
at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, and the Altán Klamovka Gallery in Prague.

The theme for 2016 was the future, taking into account both subjective testimonies and reflections of the present.
The displayed posters played with meanings, hyperbole, and wit. The authors expressed themselves through visual shortcuts, drawings frequently bordering on illustrative art, photography, and graphic design.

Format: A4, 21 X 29.7 cm
Project type: freelance – student
Virtual gallery: Tumblr
